How to make smart irrigation system using arduino | DHT11 | Humidity Sensor | Soil Moisture Sensor | Relay

How to make smart irrigation system using arduino

Hello friends some information about this project.

"Smart Irrigation System" automatically watering your garden or plants.

This system is very smart because it knows every detail of soil like Soil Moisture, Soil Humidity & Soil Temperature.

And after knowing every detail, it will automatically control the watering system without any human interference.

ep 1: Step 1: Collect All the Components

We need-

1. Arduino Uno

2. LCD Display 16*2

3. Relay

4. Humidity Sensor (DHT11)

5. Soil Moisture Sensor

6. BreadBoard

7. 1K ohm Resistor

8. DC Water Pump with tube

9. Battery

10. Some Jumper Wires

Step 2: Step 2: Connect Arduino & LCD


Step 3: Step 3: Connect Relay, Soil Moisture Sensor, Humidity Sensor

We have to connect RELAY, SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR, and Humidity Sensor with Arduino.

Arduino => Relay

+5V => VCC

Gnd => Gnd

Signal => D6

Arduino => Humidity Sensor (DHT11)

+5V => VCC

Gnd => Gnd

Signal => D5

Arduino => Soil Moisture Sensor

+5V => VCC

Gnd => Gnd

A0 => A0

For more help you can Watch our Youtube Video.

PCB Gerber:-

Code, Application, .aia:-

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